

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Death Penalty #3

Death Penalty is got many ins and outs.  The system is set up so the man who is guilty gets convicted.  The lawyers are hired by the government.  The lawyers for the people that cannot afford are usually not very good.  Sometimes cases could be won but they do not have the proper lawyer to help defend them.  Most times the cases are unfair and much of the evidence is never revealed or the police lose it.  The most humane way to kill people is by lethal injection.  It is a pain free way to kill people unlike some of the other ways.  Hanging and firing squads are violent ways to kill people.  I would rather die a painless death then be killed or hung.  There are fourteen states that don't have the death penalty.  The United States government and the military have their own death penalties and death rows.  Most of the states use lethal injections including Illinois.  California has the most inmates with 669 and the state of New Mexico has one.  Some of these statistics are really stunning when you look at them.  I expected more states to have more inmates I guess I was wrong.  When it comes to execution more white people have been excused then black people.  There have been over 1200 executions in the United States.  This chart gives the clear story on the death penalty. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


 The Pro Life website was more organized and was easier to navigate.  It had facts on the side that gave me somethings to think about.  The pro choice website was not as easy to navigate as the pro life website.
I think a parent should have the right to know if their daughter is having an abortion.  I believe this because the parent could be paying for it so they need to know what is going on.  At age 17 your parents still have rights over you.  Once you turn 18 your considered an adult so your parents cant tell you what to do but i think they should know what is going on.  If they know maybe they can help in a way.  It also depends on the circumstances of the abortion if it is rape or medical danger they might not have a choice. Parents have a right to know what their children are doing: they are legally responsible for their care, and as parents they have a proper interest in any case. Any good parent would want to know if their daughter were having an abortion; any good parent would want to help her daughter make a good decision on the matter, and to prevent her from making a bad decision.  It seems that Illinois is a pro choice state.  Illinois laws lean more toward the pro choice side but are for the most part understandable.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Should Clifford Boggess have been executed?

In my opinion Clifford Boggess should have been executed.  The reason I say this is because he was a crazy man who committed two murderers.  He killed two people over wanting more money.  His car broke an in order to pay for it he needed money.  He was saving up for college and didn't want to use that money so he went out and killed a guy who he knew had cash.  He stabbed a 86 year old guy who had no way to defend himself.  His brother who has too live the rest of his life without him because a guy was selfish and needed money.  On top of that he killed another guy after he ran out of money.  He also told his friend that if she told anyone about the murderers she to would be killed.  The way he murdered these people was horrible.  After watching the doucmentury about him I dont think he changed.  He made some art work  exppersing his feeling, but he murdered two people and we must keep murderers of the street.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


In the news recently there has been a lot of issues with bullying.  4 kids have committed suicide in the past few weeks.  They were bulled over being gay.  That also brings up another questions should kids be bullied because they are different. The answer to that is no know one should be bullied even if they are different.  Everyone has their own opinion to everything.  Cyber bulling is the new type of bulling  that is starting to become a problem in schools across the country.  Technology has evolved were you can write what you want and everyone can see it.  Technology is great, but sometimes people take it for granted. Instead of kid picking on kids they are using the internet to get to people.  You can not see what someone is thinking behind a computer.  I don't think their is a problem at DHS. I have been there for 4 years and i never saw someone get bullied.  Maybe other people have different opinions but from what i have seen most people treat each other with respect.  From what i know some verbal bullying goes on in school.  I have never seen it to a serious threat to another person.  I think a challenge day would be cool so we could see what people really have to deal with day to day. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug Testing the real truth

I am in favor of drug testing because it will help control the problem of drugs. Drugs have been a problem in the United States.  We need to promote drug testing  in schools to prevent kids in school from using drugs.  Yes drug testing can be expensive but if we help prevent the use of drugs we don't need to spend money on all the programs that prevent drug use.  I think by just helping a few kids at each school it might have a ripple affect on other kids not to do drugs.  "Drug-impaired students undermine our country's ability to compete on the world stage. Unfortunately, compared with many of our international competitors, the U.S. is operating at a handicap because too many of our youth, indeed our citizens, are abusing drugs. America represents four percent of the worlds population, yet it consumes two-thirds of the world's illegal drugs." If kids do drugs they are more likely to try other drugs which is not good.  We need to stop drugs because if they have kids their kids could have drug problems which is a ripple effect. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 11

September 11 was the day America wept.  The movie we watched about September 11 took more of a regular ordinary people approach.  The movie focused on the days after September 11. Many people spoke on their reactions to the planes hitting the tower.  They could not believe what was happening they knew after the second plane hit it was no accident.  One of the more important parts how the city of New York came together as one to help out people who were suffering from this terrible disaster. The movie focused on many different perspectives and there were many different filmmakers.  There was a side to every story.  The movie gets the reaction from kids.  They asked kids what they thought of all this and this one kid stood out because he talked like he was 40.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech Codes

Colleges and universities routinely punish students and faculty for their speech, writings, and membership in campus groups. Administrators create and enforce speech codes in an attempt to outlaw free speech and free expression that do not conform to various new campus orthodoxies. For example, in recent years, the following speech codes (some later modified after public exposure) have existed on America’s campuses: what is more important in an academic community, an atmosphere in which anyone feels free to express any opinion or one in which no one feels persecuted or insulted? This dilemma has arisen as many colleges and universities have adopted speech codes, regulations that prohibit speech or other conduct that is abusive, threatening, or demeaning toward women, racial or ethnic minorities, or in some cases other groups as well. At the University of Pennsylvania, for example, a student had to appear before a disciplinary committee after using the term "water buffaloes" when shouting at several African-American women who were making noise on the street below his dorm room. At Oberlin College two Asian students brought charges against the editors of a campus humor magazine who had written a parody about Chinese food. Although both of these cases were subsequently dismissed, they illustrate the need for a clarification of what kind of speech is acceptable on a college campus and what kind, if any, is not.

AC/DC - Thunderstruck (Live Intro)

Van Down By The River