

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Death Penalty #3

Death Penalty is got many ins and outs.  The system is set up so the man who is guilty gets convicted.  The lawyers are hired by the government.  The lawyers for the people that cannot afford are usually not very good.  Sometimes cases could be won but they do not have the proper lawyer to help defend them.  Most times the cases are unfair and much of the evidence is never revealed or the police lose it.  The most humane way to kill people is by lethal injection.  It is a pain free way to kill people unlike some of the other ways.  Hanging and firing squads are violent ways to kill people.  I would rather die a painless death then be killed or hung.  There are fourteen states that don't have the death penalty.  The United States government and the military have their own death penalties and death rows.  Most of the states use lethal injections including Illinois.  California has the most inmates with 669 and the state of New Mexico has one.  Some of these statistics are really stunning when you look at them.  I expected more states to have more inmates I guess I was wrong.  When it comes to execution more white people have been excused then black people.  There have been over 1200 executions in the United States.  This chart gives the clear story on the death penalty. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


 The Pro Life website was more organized and was easier to navigate.  It had facts on the side that gave me somethings to think about.  The pro choice website was not as easy to navigate as the pro life website.
I think a parent should have the right to know if their daughter is having an abortion.  I believe this because the parent could be paying for it so they need to know what is going on.  At age 17 your parents still have rights over you.  Once you turn 18 your considered an adult so your parents cant tell you what to do but i think they should know what is going on.  If they know maybe they can help in a way.  It also depends on the circumstances of the abortion if it is rape or medical danger they might not have a choice. Parents have a right to know what their children are doing: they are legally responsible for their care, and as parents they have a proper interest in any case. Any good parent would want to know if their daughter were having an abortion; any good parent would want to help her daughter make a good decision on the matter, and to prevent her from making a bad decision.  It seems that Illinois is a pro choice state.  Illinois laws lean more toward the pro choice side but are for the most part understandable.