

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Plane Truth

For my outside reading I choose to read the book The Plane Truth: airline crashes, the media and the transportation policy.  The book gives the truth about airline safety and how our media portrays these crashes. 
The book looks at three crashes that had large investgations that where key to flaws in the aviation world.  The book also looks at September 11 and the impact it had on the security we have know at all airports.  The book also looks at where we stand know in aviation.  The book also talks about the fAA and the NTSbs roles in accidents and should their be more done by the FAA to make airlines safer.  The book also reveals what happens when changes are not made to the industry.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Airline Saftey 2

In order to get more information on my topic i asked my dad if he knew anyone that i could interview.  He told me that he knew the vice president of safety at his company.   so i sent him my questions and he responded with some great answers.  He gave me exactly what i was looking for in depth answers that answered my questions.  I really felt a lot better about my topic after getting some professional feedback. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Issues Project Airline Saftey Blog 1

For my topic I am covering airline safety and how it is becoming the safest way to travel.  Plane crashes tend to get more media attention then other types of accidents because of how many people die at once.  In the year 1996 TWA flight 800 exploded after takeoff  killing 230 people yet that same week 842 people died in motor accidents and the aircraft was the years top press story.  If you think about that 842 people compared to 230 people that is a big difference.   The new media likes to take things out of proportion because that is just how the media works.